Wednesday, 6 July 2011

A Hard Day's Night

A 5.30 am start to be at Leighton Moss for the early morning light, as predicted by the Beebe turned out to be a false hope. It was grey and quite cold as I arrived at the EM hide, I had expected calm waters, I got that, I had expected lots of waders, that, I didn't get!
So move on to the Public Hide, where only 24 hours earlier an Osprey put in an appearance, as it turned out I was 24 hours too late.
Cafe for breakfast.
The day was hot and humid by this time, so an obvious time to trek through the reserve to check and recheck all the hides, an exhausting 4 hours later and a not too bad a shot of a red deer, not too good either.
Back to the cafe for a cuppa. As you might gather the day isn't going to plan.
Decide to go back to the Public Hide for one more look.....nothing of course, then back to where I started The EM mm the water was flat and milky with diffused lighting on the birds, yes birds, remember, that's what I went for.... a few redshank a heron or two, and wait is that an egret coming in, no there's two, three, half a dozen....that's more like it.
It's 8.30 pm I must go home
Little Egret hunting

Tranquil waters with a mixed bag of waders



  1. Dave. Love these shots from EM hide. Wonderful feel and effects with the light and tranquil waters.

  2. Cheers Brian, yes it was a fine line between milky blue and grey, but it turned out all right in the end, hope to see you around soon.


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