Wednesday 6 July 2011

Jollies Saturday

It was a damp rain sodden chilly SUMMERS evening when I arrived at the cottage. Before dinner (tea) I settled down with a malt whisky looking out into the gloom beyond, the hill being obscured by mist and rain I turned my attention to the birds around the feeders, chaffinch, greenfinch and siskin were jockeying for position. The whisky was making a warm glow inside my tummy when an luminous yellow blob appeared on the wall, striking it was against the dower backdrop, it was a dazzling yellowhammer, my god it was bright.
With camera gear to hand as it always is, I put the whisky down opened the patio door and set to work. A red-legged partridge got in on the act.
Not a bad start....and two weeks to go....not a bad at all I thought to myself.

Yellowhammer so vibrant in the gloom

A pair of red legs appeared daily early morning and late evening.



  1. David....I'm just going to leave it at 'WOW' for the time being.

  2. Cheers Pete, I have a bit more to come.


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